Can you spot the home oxygen safety hazards?

Home oxygen therapy is extremely effective, but portable medical oxygen tanks and oxygen concentrators add an increased risk in the home, particularly for fire. That’s because fire needs oxygen to burn, and any material that catches fire will burn much more quickly due to the increased levels of pure oxygen.

Patients who use home oxygen therapy are trained on the safety dos and don’ts. But patients aren’t the only ones affected. Visiting family and friends, neighbors and emergency first responders can all be harmed around home oxygen therapy – and those same people may inadvertently introduce risk.

The best way to stay safe is for everyone to be aware when around home oxygen equipment.

There are 10 safety hazards hidden in this 360 photo. Can you spot them all? Click and drag to search the whole room. For a better view, click on the box in the bottom right corner to expand.




Did you find all 10 safety hazards?


Last Updated: January 13, 2022

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About Author: Katie Whitt

Katie Whitt is the content manager for OSF HealthCare, where she has worked since January 2016. Originally from Valparaiso, Indiana, she came to Peoria to earn her Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Bradley University. Before joining OSF, she worked as a copy editor for both the Peoria Journal Star and The Bloomington Pantagraph.

In her spare time, Katie enjoys traveling, reading anything she can get her hands on and spending shameful amounts of time watching Netflix. She justifies her couch time with kickboxing and running.

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