This is How We Help

Image of a female dietician slice vegtables for a salad

I help patients find the best nutrition so they can remain strong in their fight.

- Oncology dietician

I help patients through recovery while connecting them to resources to live their best life after treatment.

- Oncology nurse navigator

I help by finding advanced clinical trials patients can enroll in.

- Clinical researcher

Join Our Fight Against Cancer

Cancer is a scary diagnosis. Take a moment and imagine feeling a lump on your breast or sitting in your doctor’s office and hearing the words, “you have cancer.” That is why we strive to be the best we can be and bring hope to those who face that paralyzing moment.

Every day, we are reminded that our greatest chance in the fight against cancer lies in our bravery to take action. Join our Mission Partners in their quest to end this horrible disease.

Together, our actions have made Central Illinois a destination for hope, healing and world-class cancer care.

We want people to know that regardless of where their faith lies, there is hope for things to get better. There is a reason to exercise that faith and believe in great outcomes.

Nun and woman praying in the waiting room of a healthcare facility

This is How You Can Help

Your support is Powerful.

Your donation, no matter the size, makes you a part of a community with a goal to end cancer.

Donation Options

This is how Your Donation Helps

Through your generous gift, we're able to create a seamless experience that provides all the care options and support that patients and their families need.

You help with things like:
  • Phase 1 clinical trials

    support advanced research to discover innovative treatments

  • CEFCU Teaching Kitchen

    help educate how nutrition and holistic care can help people help themselves

  • Lodging and transportation

    reduce obstacles to receiving world-class treatment

  • Screenings

    early screenings can identify any potentially cancerous cells and allow us to take the necessary steps to prevent them from spreading

  • Navigation

    financial and patient navigation services help families toward a successful conclusion of their cancer journey

  • Support services

    help form additional classes and mutual support groups, as well as organize community resources to best serve those in need

Female cancer patient ringing bell after completing treatment

Hearing a cancer diagnosis can be a scary and confusing time.

Help usher in a new day for cancer care, giving families the promise and possibility of many new tomorrows.

Donate Now