Have a health-related question?
Unsure where to turn for answers or treatment?
Our OSF OnCall care team is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to offer guidance on health-related issues, such as questions about a condition, who you should see for a specific need or how to connect to an OSF provider.
No more frustrating online searches – talk to a care team member to get the advice you need when and where you need it. Get started with Clare, the OSF virtual health assistant, or call us at 1-888-6ASK-OSF (1-888-627-5673).

What kind of things can I the care team?
- ☑Questions about a recent diagnosis.
- ☑ Guidance on who to see for that adult acne.
- ☑ Questions about who to see for joint pain and stiffness.
- ☑ Advice on what your teenager should do about a broken little toe.
- ☑ How to connect to an OSF primary care provider.
- ☒ Are unicorns real?
Well, our care team can help with almost anything!

Do I have to be an OSF patient to live chat or call the Ask OSF line?
No. Our care team will be happy to connect you or advise you day or night on the type of support and care you need. They can also connect you to a primary care physician or specialist, if needed. Medical advice can only be provided to patients who live in Illinois or Michigan.
Who will I be talking to?
You will be live chatting or speaking directly with an OSF care team member trained to assess your needs and direct you to the correct resources. Our OSF care team members are literally on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your health-related questions, direct you on your next steps in getting treatment or connect you to the level of care you require.
What’s the cost of this service?
There is no cost for live chatting or speaking directly with the OSF care team through the Ask OSF line, 1-888-6ASK-OSF (1-888-627-5673).
What if I have a medical emergency?
If this is a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or get to the emergency room at a hospital near you.