Digital Hospital
Digital Hospital

Getting the right care can be difficult, especially when it’s just one of the many things on your to-do list. But your health is too important to put on the back burner.

OSF OnCall is committed to connecting you to care right in your community. The OSF OnCall Connect On the Go vehicles travel throughout our communities and are staffed with a team of digital health workers. This team will connect you with services and share information that will help you better manage your health.

Our Services

Health Screenings

Our OSF OnCall Connect team will provide free health screenings, including blood pressure, pulse oximetry, blood glucose and total cholesterol.

Connection to Resources

We’ll connect you with local community groups who can help you with things like housing needs or transportation.

Technology Assistance

Our team can help you:

  • Download and use program apps on your phone
  • Connect virtually with an OSF OnCall Urgent Care provider
  • Download and use OSF MyChart

Program Enrollment

We offer a variety of free programs and services to get and keep you healthy and well. We’ll help you enroll in those you are eligible for, including OSF OnCall Connect (to manage chronic conditions, health and wellness, pregnancy and more), SilverCloud (to manage depression, anxiety or stress) and more!

Who We Serve

Any individual 18 and older can visit OSF OnCall Connect On the Go and talk with our teams about the services we offer. The pregnancy and postpartum service is available to women of all ages who are pregnant or up to six weeks postpartum.

Take a Tour

Find a Van

Want to check out OSF OnCall On the Go and take advantage of the services it offers? Find out where it’s stopping next and choose a date and time to come see us!

View Schedule

Interested in bringing a van to you?

Our OSF OnCall Connect On the Go vehicles travel throughout the state of Illinois serving patients, families and members of our communities. We love attending community events and partnering with other organizations that know the importance of providing access to health care.

Tell us a bit about your organization or event, and we’ll see if we’re free to attend or stop by!