NE Workshop Banner.png Saint Anthony College of Nursing is offering a virtual workshop for nurses to prepare for the National League of Nursing (NLN) Nurse Educator Certification 9CNE) exam. Attendees will receive 6 CEUs. Learn More Banner template - FCN.jpg Earn Continuing Education credits while promoting health and well-being though a faith-based community focus. Learn More Rn Careers banner - 1040 x 25.jpg SACN ranked #1 in the state and #31 in the nation for best nursing schools in RNCareers 2024 report. Learn More Financial Aid Banner - green dollar signs.jpg The college offers many financial aid and scholarship opportunities to applicants and students. Learn how our financial aid department can assist you. Learn More


You inspire to make a lasting impact on the world, demonstrating the incredible power of love and kindness.

At Saint Anthony College of Nursing, we're here to help you discover just how far your compassion and dedication can take you.

In our nurturing environment, we foster open exploration, lifelong learning, and unwavering service to all with genuine care and love.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey with us?  Take the first step today by exploring our programs and starting your application.  Join us in shaping a brighter, more compassionate future in healthcare.

Application Deadlines

BSN Undergraduate application process deadline for Spring 2025 is September 15, 2024.

Graduate application process has no deadline.

RN to BSN application process has no deadline.


97% NCLEX Pass Rate for 2023

Saint Anthony College of Nursing continually outperforms state and national NCLEX-RN pass rates. 

RN 2022 NCLEX pass rates.png 2023 NCLEX Pass Rates

View and compare current 2023 Illinois NCLEX Baccalaureate RN program pass rates.

 RNCareers Ranks SACN #1 in State

Saint Anthony College of Nursing has been ranked No. 1 in the state of Illinois for best nursing schools in 2024 report.   Read more.

Our Campus

Our state-of-the-art health sciences center offers more classrooms and lab space for hands-on simulations on a campus that encourages you to expand your horizons.