OSF Holy Family Medical Center roots are linked to Monmouth Hospital, founded in 1897. In a pioneering venture, the hospital, through a fundraising campaign and Monmouth's "Street Fair," raised $7,000 to build a new hospital that opened for service in April 1904. Dr. J.R. Webster, the oldest practicing physician of the city, was named to direct the operations of the hospital. The hospital was popular and, after several years, a larger hospital was needed with additions being added in 1910, 1939, and 1957.
Monmouth Hospital continued to grow until the decision was made in 1963 to build a new hospital, known as Community Memorial Hospital. The funding for the new hospital was a unique combination of a government grant, a federal loan, and local subscriptions with one million dollars raised from the community. The acute care area and long-term care unit both opened in August 1968. In 1998, the hospital's name changed to Community Medical Center.
On April 12, 2007, Community Medical Center consolidated its assets with OSF Healthcare System. Today, OSF Holy Family Medical Center and OSF Holy Family Clinics continue to serve the Monmouth area and surrounding communities with the newest medical technology, compassionate staff, and "...the greatest care and love."
In 2010, OSF Holy Family received approval from the OSF Healthcare System Board on a master facility plan that outlined a major renovation for the OSF Holy Family Clinics. OSF Holy Family was very fortunate to receive a substantial gift of $2.5 million from the Community Health Foundation of Warren and Henderson Counties to begin Phase I of this project.
On July 2, 2012, OSF Holy Family completed a major Rural Health Clinic expansion project. The Clinic was relocated to the F-wing that housed the former long term care unit. The renovated space increased the Clinic to 15,000 square feet including the addition of 13 new exam rooms for patient care. To help assist in the renovations for the Rural Health Clinic, the medical center received a 2.5 million dollar grant from the Community Health Foundation of Warren and Henderson Counties.
The OSF Holy Family "D" wing became available space after the Rural Health Clinic opened its new facility in July 2012 and was renovated to house a new sleep lab, which opened in January 2013. The new space is more efficient, convenient and safe for the patients.
In January 2013, OSF Diabetes Care also moved into the available “D” wing space. OSF Diabetes Care offers a comprehensive program designed for the patient newly diagnosed with diabetes or for someone who needs a refresher course in the basics of managing diabetes.
The OSF Holy Family chapel was expanded in February 2014. It seats around 30 people and it is open 24 hours a day to patients, families and staff.
The surgical area underwent a $2 million dollar upgrade in June 2014. New Renovations included new state of the art surgical lighting, anesthesia booms, a new Air Handling Unit (AHU), new walls and new flooring.
In 2015, OSF Holy Family will continue upgrades to the facility. The remodeled area will include Podiatry, Rehab, Cardiac Rehab, the General Surgeon, Diabetes Center and OSF Specialty Clinics. This area is approximately 14,000 sq. feet with an estimated cost of $4.6 million dollars.