Dietetic Internship

Our internship is a 48-week supervised program. It provides stimulating and challenging learning opportunities for the dietetic college graduate.

Once accepted, you will be a part of a high performance health care team and develop leadership skills necessary for a career in dietetics.

Upon satisfactory completion of the program, the intern will be a competent entry-level dietitian, eligible to apply for active membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and take the registration exam to become a Registered Dietitian.

Learn more about our internship on the RD2BE Podcast

Dietetic Internship Visits

Reach out to the dietetic internship director Ashley Simper if you'd like to schedule an in-person or virtual visit!

Below is a link to slides highlighting our program:

Internship 2025

Why Choose Us?

  • We are part of a Mission-driven organization
  • Variety of supervised dietetic practice learning opportunities within the Peoria area
  • Innovative learning experiences to help individuals become an effective team player and leader in the dietetic profession
  • 18-week emphasis rotation that allows interns to focus on their area of interest
  • Highly motivated and qualified staff serve as role models, mentors and preceptors
  • 100% of the graduates feel competent to perform at an entry-level job
  • Great learning environment for a self-motivated, self-directed, and self-evaluated learner
  • Free meals
  • No tuition
  • Teaching hospital environment
  • Inpatient and outpatient health care opportunities
  • 50 + year history with more than 450 graduates

Consider the advantages of OSF Saint Francis Medical Center Dietetic Internship program. The program is currently granted accreditation status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606-6995, (800) 877-1600 ext. 5400

OSF Healthcare is an equal opportunity employer. The program does not offer financial aid, loan deferments or scholarships. The program does not grant supervised practice hours for prior learning.

"The thing I enjoyed most about the internship at OSF was the ability to cater the emphasis area rotation to best suit my professional development goals. I had the ability to select or develop projects that I knew I would be passionate about and would help me improve the skills I thought were important in my future career in dietetics. I also greatly benefited from the one-on-one time with the preceptors. The internship program at OSF was wonderful at preparing me for a fulfilling career in dietetics."

Kari Hartel - 2010 Graduate

Want more information?

To learn more, or to schedule a visit, contact:

Ashley Simper, MS, RD, LDN
Manager of Dietetic Services, Food and Nutrition Dietetic Internship Director

OSF HealthCare Saint Francis Medical Center
530 NE Glen Oak Ave. | Peoria, IL | 61637
p: (309) 655-2942 | f: (309) 655-4022