Online Database Help
A |
This databases indexes articles and other information from many areas of academic study ranging from anthropology to zoology. |
This is a drug information handbook from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. NOTE: You will need to sign in through Open Athens to use this material. |
B |
A collection of nearly 200 e-books. |
C |
CINAHL is an index of journal articles about nursing, physical therapies, allied health, and healthcare. |
Use this tool to find all the information on an article if you only know parts of the citation, like the page number and title. Put in what you know, and you can find the entire citation. |
This database for nurses has a collection of e-books and journals, as well as CE credit offerings. If you are working off-campus, you can sign onto Clinical Key using your Open Athens credentials here:!/login |
A database that synthesizes the existing literature on a wide variety of topics, providing readers with a summary of the available information. |
Learn about copyright here—you can also buy permission to use copyrighted material in publications. |
Learn about copyright law here. |
D |
This is a clinical reference tool for clinicians that gives you a summary of the most up to date information on a huge range of conditions, and includes information on diagnosis and treatment. |
E |
EBM Calc (Formerly MedCalc 3000) This is a computerized medical reference and tool set. EBMcalc includes medical formulae, clinical criteria sets and decision tree analysis tools. |
Links to all of the library’s e-books. |
Elsevier Clinical Skills presents over 1,800 evidence-based skills and procedures for learning and reference. PLEASE NOTE: You must be on an OSF computer to access this database. |
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) The best database for education literature and research. |
G |
A database of U.S. government publications. |
J |
This guide gives information on infectious diseases, drugs, and pathogens. |
A complete list of the print and electronic journals the libraries of OSF HealthCare subscribe to. |
Online journals subscribed to through a company called OVID. These include journals published by LWW and Wolters Kluwer. |
K |
The King Guide is an IV Compatibility and Stability Reference. |
L |
Lexicomp is a pharmaceutical database on drugs and medication decision making |
Material on medications intended for patients. |
M |
A monthly newsletter that gives critical appraisals of new prescription drugs and comparative reviews of drugs for common diseases. |
Medline is the premiere database for searching for articles on any healthcare related topic. |
Health information written for patients and their families. Some of the material is available in Spanish and other languages. |
O |
To sign on to library databases you need an Open Athens account. You can get one here and then sign on to the databases here You will be asked for your institution. Search for OSF Healthcare, then you can sign on with your email and password. |
P |
A database of randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. |
A database from the National Library of Medicine that indexes journals and books from medical, nursing, and allied health literature. |
Q |
Part of the VisualDX tool, this helps clinicians find a differential diagnosis. |
R |
RefWorks lets you store your literature search results in one place. Use the "Create an Account" option to sign up using your OSF email. |
S |
Scientific & Medical Art Imagebase This database lets users download thousands of medical illustrations and videos on a variety of topics. |
A collection of e-books. NOTE: You will need to sign in through Open Athens to use this material. |
U |
Find clinical, conversion, and dosage calcluators, access the John Hopkins ABX Guide, and more. |
V |
Videos in Clinical Medicine (NEJM) Videos of various medical procedures, provided by the New England Journal of Medicine. |
A clinical decision tool for primary care practitioners. |
W |
An online catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide. |