OSF HealthCare Cancer Screening Event

OSF HealthCare Cancer Screening Event

OSF Cancer Institute
1310 N. Missouri Ave
Peoria, IL 61603

Address questions about this event to
Tori Messmore at (309) 308-0218.

August 20, 2024

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Peoria, IL 61603


OSF HealthCare will offer a cancer screening event to the community on Tuesday, August 20, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute in Peoria.


Cancers that will be screened for include:

  • Skin (physical exam)
  • Oral (physical exam)
  • Breast (mammography)
  • Lung (low dose CT scan)
  • Colon (take home kit)

The screenings are walk-in only and registration is not required. Certain guidelines must be met for screenings to be completed. Some screenings are free of charge, while others will be billed to your insurance. For additonal questions, please call 309-308-0218.